Stephen A. Smith can’t make up his mind, which is saying something for someone with such strong opinions.
Just a month ago, on a live set in New Orleans ahead of the Super Bowl, the First Take television star scoffed at the idea that LeBron James could be considered greater than Michael Jordan.
On Wednesday’s show, though, Smith offered what at worst was a peace offering and at best was a possible admission he was wrong.
“In the end, the greatness that he has put on display for as long as he has put on display, I’ll even go a step further, knowing how I feel about Jordan,” Smith said. “… I actually think it’s time to not even have the debate anymore because that’s how great LeBron James has been for as long as he has been that great.”
James reached 50,000 career points, combining the regular season and playoffs, in the Los Angeles Lakers’ win on Tuesday night.
MORE: Inside LeBron’s historic point total
Smith has long been an MJ advocate, and he also blasted James last week for complaining that the NBA’s media was too negative.
Now, though, Smith seems like he doesn’t want to debate it any longer, which probably won’t stop a soon-to-come First Take episode from debating it plenty.
Smith didn’t back down from his take that Jordan had the better peak. But maybe even the great debater has a point: Why settle on one G.O.A.T. when there can be two?