Note: If you are short on time, watch the video and complete this See, Think, Wonder activity: What did you notice? What did the story make you think about? What would you want to learn more about?
The bankruptcy of 23andMe is raising concerns about the future of its DNA information. Once a pioneer in the genetic testing industry, the company faced backlash after hackers leaked user data in 2023. Now, millions could see their genetic data dealt in a potential sale. Geoff Bennett discusses the implications with Ginny Fahs of Consumer Reports.
View the transcript of the story. News alternative: Check out recent segments from the News Hour, and choose the story you’re most interested in watching. You can make a Google doc copy of discussion questions that work for any of the stories here.
- What is 23andMe, and what service did it offer?
- When did 23andMe face backlash after information about its users was leaked by hackers?
- How many people have provided genetic information to the company?
- What are some rules and protections that might guard users’ genetic data?
- Why does Ginny Fahs recommend 23andMe users delete their information on the site as soon as possible?
Why should people be careful with providing data even to trusted companies, according to Ginny Fahs? What are some other companies that gather data from customers? Can you think of any that you use? How do you think that data might be used by other companies if they had access to it?
Media literacy: Do you know what laws protect the private information of young people? Do you know how you could find out?
In this segment, Ginny Fahs outlined some of the potential risks of data from 23andMe being sold in bankruptcy to another company. For instance, she brings up the possibilities that insurance companies might use genetic health data to raise rates for certain customers. You might want to watch the following segment from 2023 for ideas:
How else do you think private companies might use the information you provide when you sign up for services? As a class, make a list of at least 5-10 ways companies might use your personal information for their benefit. Are any of the items on your list potentially harmful to you? If so, how can you protect yourself?
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