MOSCOW, Idaho — A Boise judge unsealed court documents Thursday of text and phone conversations that came from the Moscow house where four University of Idaho students were killed in November 2022.
There are still redactions to protect the identities of some, but it provides a glimpse into the timeline after Madison Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin were found unresponsive.
From 4:19 a.m. to 4:21 a.m., a person in the house, identified by initials as D.M., tried to call another person in the house, identified as B.F., Kernodle, Goncalves, and Mogen. Then, D.M. and B.F. began communicating through text.
The text messages
Two people inside the house had a text conversation from 4:22 a.m. to 4:24 a.m. on the morning of November 13, 2022, as follows, according to the State’s motion in limine (seeking the exclusion of specific evidence or arguments from being presented during a trial):
D.M. to B.F.: “No one is answering”
D.M. to B.F.: “I’m rlly [sic] confused rn [sic].”
D.M. to Goncalves: “Kaylee”
D.M. to Goncalves: “What’s going on”
B.F. to D.M.: “Ya dude wtf”
B.F. to D.M: “Xana was wearing all black”
D.M. to B.F.: “I’m freaking out rn [sic]”
D.M. to B.F.: “No it’s like ski mask almost”
B.F. to D.M.: “Stfu”
B.F. to D.M.: “Actually”
D.M. to B.F.: “Like he had soemtbinf [sic] over is [sic] head and little nd [sic] mouth”
D.M. to B.F.: “B.F. I’m not kidding o [sic] am so freaked out”
B.F. to D.M.: “So am I”
D.M. to B.F.: ‘My phone is going to die fuck”
B.F. to D.M.: “Come to my room”
B.F. to D.M: “Run”
B.F. to D.M.: “Down here”
At 4:29 a.m., D.M. called Ethan Chapin, but the call went unanswered. D.M. and B.F. continued to text after trying to call Chapin:
D.M. to B.F.: “Im [sic] scRwd [sic] tho [sic]”
B.F. to D.M.: “Ya IK [sic] but it’s better than being alone.”
At 4:27 a.m., D.M. called Goncalves, whose phone went unanswered, too. A minute later, D.M. called Kernodle, but again: no answer.
At 4:32 a.m., D.M. texted Goncalves’ phone, typing “Pls [sic] answer.”
Text messages stopped until 10:23 a.m.:
D.M. to Goncalves: “Pls [sic] answer”
D.M. to Mogen: R [sic] u [sic] up”
D.M. to Goncalves: “R [sic] u [sic] up??”
The 911 Call
Dispatch: “911, location of your emergency.”
Woman 1: “Hi, something is happening. Something happened in our house. We don’t know what. We have…”
Dispatch: “What is the address of the emergency?”
Woman 1: “1122 – no don’t…”
Dispatch: “What is the rest of the address?”
Woman 1: “Oh, Kings Road.”
Dispatch: “Okay. And is that a house or an apartment?”
Woman 1: “It’s a house.”
Dispatch: “Can you repeat the address to make sure that I have it right?”
Woman 2: “I’ll talk to you guys. We’re, um, we live at the right, so we’re next to them.”
Dispatch: “I need someone to repeat the address for verification.”
Woman 2: “The – the address? 1122 King Road.”
Dispatch: “And what’s the phone number that you’re calling from?”
Woman 2: “What’s your phone number?”
Woman 1: [redacted]
Woman 2: [redacted]
Woman 1: [redacted]
Woman 2: “[redacted], what’s the rest?”
Woman 1: [redacted]
Woman 2: [redacted]
Dispatch: “Okay. And tell me exactly what’s going on.”
Woman 2: “Um, one of our – one of the roommates who’s passed out and she was drunk last night and she’s not waking up.”
Woman 1: “No, we saw…”
Dispatch: “Okay.”
Woman 2: “Oh, and they saw some man in their house last night. Yeah.”
Woman 1: “Hi…”
Dispatch: “And are you with the patient? Okay. I need someone to keep the phone, stop passing it around.”
Woman 1: “Can I just tell you what happened, pretty much?”
Dispatch: “What is going on currently? Is someone passed out right now?”
Woman 1: “I don’t really know, but pretty much at 4:00 a.m….”
Dispatch: “Okay. I need to know what’s going on right now, if someone is passed out. Can you find that out?”
Woman 1: “Yeah, I’ll come – come on. Let’s – we gotta go check. But we have to. Is she passed out? She’s passed out. What’s wrong?”
Dispatch: “Dispatching Moscow Law ambulance for…”
Woman 1: “She’s not waking up.”
Dispatch: “…unconsciousness, 1122 King Road.”
Man 1: “Seven zero is en route…”
Dispatch: “Okay, one moment. I’m getting help started that way.”
Woman 1: “Okay maybe…”
Dispatch: “(Unintelligible) 1122 King Road. All ambulance respond for unconsciousness. 1122 King Road…”
Man 1: “I copy.”
Dispatch: “(Unintelligible) 58. Multiple RPs on the phone advised saying the roommate on scene is passed out and not waking up. Believe she got drunk last night and (unintelligible) about a male being in the room with them.”
Man 1: “(Unintelligible) being around.”
Dispatch: “That one I copy about 20-year-old female unconscious trying to get further.”
Man 1: “Copy.”
Man 2: “Yeah. Yeah, it’s (Evan).”
Woman 1: “Okay.”
Dispatch: “Okay. And how old is she?”
Woman 1: “Um, she’s 20.”
Dispatch: “20 you said?”
Woman 1: “Yes, 20, here do you wanna talk to ’em?”
Dispatch: “Okay.”
Woman 2: “Hello? Hello?”
Dispatch: “Okay. I need someone to stop passing the phone around because I’ve talked to four different people.”
Woman 2: “Okay. Sorry. They just gave me the phone.”
Dispatch: “Is she breathing?”
Woman 2: “Hello?”
Dispatch: “Is she breathing?”
Woman 2: “No.”
Dispatch: “Okay.”
Man 1: “(Unintelligible) en route.”
Woman 2: “(Bethany) or (Dylan) I need you to – to talking to them, okay? I can’t talk to them. I need you to talk to them.”
Woman 1: “Okay. Hello?”
Dispatch: “Okay. I have already sent the ambulance and law enforcement, stay on the line.”
Woman 1: “Okay.”
Dispatch: “If there is a defibrillator available, send someone to get it now and tell me when you have it. Unit’s responding RPs advising…”
Woman 1: (Unintelligible)
Dispatch: “…the patient is not conscious, not breathing.”
Woman 1: (Unintelligible)
Dispatch: “Okay. If there is a defibrillator available, send someone to get it now and tell me when you have it.”
Woman 1: “We don’t have one.”
Man 1: “Unconscious, not breathing.”
Woman 1: “Do you have a defibrillator?”
Man 3: “Yep.”
Woman 1: “Yes, we have one.”
Dispatch: “But are you talking to the officer?”
Woman: “Yes.”
Dispatch: “Okay. I’m gonna let you go since he’s there with you and can help you.”
Woman 1: “Okay. Thank you. Bye.”
Dispatch: “Okay.”
Man 4: “Moscow 46 out.”
Dispatch: “Copy.”
Man 4: “13. I think we have a homicide.”
Man 5: “Moscow engine 20 is en route.”
Man 4: “13 70.”
Man 2: “70 (unintelligible). 107 I relayed it.”
Previously, the state prosecutor asked the court to allow the state to admit the information from the texts and 911 call, as hearsay under two exceptions of I.R.E. 802: Present Sense Impression (a statement made describing or explaining an event or condition, made while or immediately after the declarant perceived it), and Excited Evidence (a statement relating to a startling event or condition, made while the declarant was under the stress of excitement that it caused).